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Wizards Vs. Lesbians

Jul 30, 2023

Full disclosure: the author is Alexis' former housemate.  That being said, even those of us who do not have a personal stake think you should read this book if you have an interest in fairy tales, existentialism or the drama of the gifted child. 

Jul 24, 2023

It's the anglophilia arc!  We're starting on a series of books which are fantasy British - we set out initially to critique teaboo tendencies in sf but we accidentally picked a bunch of good and fun books, of which this is one.  Or maybe we're both just weak to this stuff, having been raised on a diet of...

Jul 9, 2023

The theme of today's episode is supernatural short fiction from Southeast Asia:

The Terracotta Bride” by Zen Cho

Lay My Stomach On Your Scales,” by Wen-yi Lee

 “Margo Lai’s Guide to Dueling Unprepared,” by Alison...